Download textures for the buildings here!

Click here to download the photos of buildings on broadway from Henry Street to Cedar Street.
- When you click the link, you will notice that it will download a .zip file to your computer.

- Double click this file and it will extract a folder called building_photos. 

- This folder contains the texture for several buildings on this particular stretch of broadway.

The Google SketchUp Mission

Google Sketch Up is a great tool to visualize an area in various ways and present it to the rest of the world. By providing the high school students in Midtown Kingston with this tool, they will have the opportunity to visualize Kingston for what it was, is and could be. The 3D industry is growing and this is something that can help produce jobs within Kingston while allowing for change in the community.

Step 1- Google SketchUp Tutorial

Part 1: Learning the Concepts

The following tutorial explains the concepts of using Google SketchUp.
Next: Watch Step 2 of the Google SketchUp Tutorial, Drawing Shapes

Step 2: Google SketchUp Tutorial

Drawing Shapes in Google Sketchup

This tutorial guides you through drawing shapes in Google SketchUp.
Next watch: Step 3 of the Google SketchUp Tutorial, Modify Tools

Step 3: Google SketchUp Tutorial

Modify Tools

This tutorial explains how to use some of the modify tools in Google SketchUp such as the Push/ Pull tool to create buildings and modify them.
Next: Watch Step 4 of the Google SketchUp Tutorial Creating a Chair

Step 4: Google SketchUp Tutorial

This video will show you how to create a simple chair in Google SketchUp two different ways, and then show a 3rd more advanced method to introduce some new tools. After completing this tutorial, you will be familiar with all the basic tools in the sketchUp interface.

Next watch Step 5: the Demo on navigating through Windows Live Local

Step 5: Using Windows Live Local

Windows live local is a great tool to get a birds eye view of a specific area or building without any obstructions. It is a great way to compare proportions of buildings to compares things like height and width. At some point we will try and provide the students with exact measurements for all the buildings.

- In your web browser type in
- Type in: Bank of America, Kingston, NY and press enter
- This will give you a list of Bank of America buildings at different locations on the left side of your screen
- Click on the number next to the Bank of America located on Broadway
- You can zoom into your map by double clicking on the corresponding number next to the address of the bank
- Keep double clicking until you can see broadway and Bank of America
- Click on the birds eye view button on the top of your screen to get a street view of the Bank of America building.
- The Birds Eye View allows you to move around and look at a building from the other side of the street. This is a great tool to use when creating buildings as it gives you the ability to compare proportions of buildings to other next to them. It also allows you to get a sense of the architectural details which is very important in making a building identifiable when its being recreated.

Watch the video below to learn how to navigate through the interface and follow the steps mentioned above.

Next : watch the demo on how to import and export a terrain from Google Earth into Google SketchUp